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on March 31, 2013 at 12:25:48 pm


hc2, Ahliah School, Lebanon, Question:

How did the light speed communications change your view of other religions, cultures and values? 


Answer from hc1







Answer from hc3


How significant is the impact of the speed of communication on the way you view other religions, cultures and values?


Our Answer:

we think through everything so quickly that we know that we are there for us to adjust. For example, there is a new trend in the U.S. then that very soon also in the Netherlands. it fits our culture does because, we are going to change because others do it too, we have a kind of herd animals


Skin Tightening is a fast growing trend all over the world. everyone would now no longer be so old they let everything tighten this happens increasingly


Apple is a good example, if a new iPhone comes out that is immediately over the world known, because nowadays everybody with his phone walking down the street and you cannot leave your phone, communication is now way harder.


Source 1 - Izhaan en Mats

Source 2 -http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/skin-tightening

Source 3 – www.Apple.com






Answer from hc4






Answer from hc5







Answer from hc6






Answer from hc7







Answer from hc8







Answer from hc9



         From my point of view, increasing the speed of communication is important because we can easily socialize with other people of other religious or cultures.

      Communication has an impact on all those with whom we communicate so it's very important for a guaranteed success.

      Let's take for example the internet. It offers us information at a very high speed and we can learn a lot about other religious and cultures. Moreover, in terms of news, it is important how fast people get it so that they can react or respond to it. When something happens, when a religious or cultural event takes place, it is essential that people find out about it fast so that they can participate if they want to. In fact the success of the event will depend on that.

     In conclusion, comunication is a basic element for all the people because we can go to the highest heights of knowledge.






Answer from hc10








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