hc5, Wolfert Lyceum, Netherlands, Question:
What do you see as the major problems in your country, at the moment or in the near future?
Are there a lot of different opinions in your country about these problems and how to solve them, and how does your country deal with these different opinions?
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Initially, Romania was among the countries that have joined recently , but now they fod many similar problems, such as reduces consummation and strong investment and widening external imbalances.
Some elements were crucial in these developments, for example, around the time of accession, privatization and structural reforms, development of functioning markets and macroeconomic stabilization. A common view is why the widening deficit reflects the impact of macroeconomic structural changes.
A more cautious approach considers that these imbalances are an expression of the fact that the transition was not always well-managed, the process of “catching-up” can not be achieved through isolated efforts at a time of economic growth and that the failure of proper settlement will increase potential risks arising in these economies.
Answer from hc10
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